Financial ecosystem
Fund management and fund flow need to be as stable as possible to support the implementation of enabling technologies for Beyond “Zero-Carbon .” The government injects public funds into R&D and startup businesses of greater social significance and implications. Nevertheless, to ensure such projects, it is also crucial to mobilize private-sector funds. Sustainable technological development is only achieved when funds flow from the private sector, with profits returned to the region and investors and further investments made. However, most Beyond “Zero-Carbon” technologies are not yet mature in terms of performance levels and marketability. They are considered risky and illiquid (infrequently traded) in conventional financial markets.
Theme 7 aims to develop an evaluation framework for measuring the appropriate value of the technologies, including risks and contribution to society (“returns” in the broad sense), based on scientific evidence. Such a framework will help investors assess and appreciate the new enabling technologies. Further, the characteristics and purposes of various funding agencies (e.g., government, financial institutions, investment funds, contributions from communities) will be studied to identify when and where risks and returns exist so that the best mix of funding (restructure) for the realization of the technologies will be invented. Under the self-sustaining Co-JUNKAN financial ecosystem, more investment is expected to be brought to the region, with new technologies advancing the implementation.
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