Co-learning basis
Climate change is projected to impose impacts on ecosystems and human security seriously and enormously. Meanwhile, local communities face challenges such as super-aging, declining populations, and stagnation of key industries. Transitioning to a Beyond “Zero-Carbon ” society that ‘simultaneously solves’ climate change and regional issues is thus required. To achieve this, citizens, experts, and business entities need to work together to change mindsets (paradigm shifts) and develop innovative technologies and social frameworks while building mutual trust. Local people are the experts on their own region; they know the local prosperities (assets) which should be passed on to the next generation, such as local industry and culture. They are also the beneficiaries of the region’s prosperous future. On the other hand, researchers from universities and academic institutes can provide scientific insights into climate change and advise on the technologies and options contributing to local prosperity. Companies also have practical perspectives for business operations, such as forecasting market demands and profitability. Local people, researchers, and businesses share a common vision for the region’s future and create complementary collaborations based on understanding their respective characteristics, which is essential for realizing a Beyond “Zero-Carbon ” society.
With a view to building mutual trust between local people, researchers, and companies, Theme 2 is committed to developing a methodology to build a framework for “human resource development to transform the region” in the mid-to-long term through a tripartite dialogue called Co-learning. The Co-learning basis consists of three pillars: “Event” creation, “Place” creation, and “Human development.” “Event” creation pertains to developing a Co-learning methodology that incorporates the shared skills and knowledge on “what and how” to discuss various issues in the community. ”Place” creation explores the requirements for Co-learning places where local people naturally gather. “Human development” establishes a program to foster skilled human resources in the community, researchers, and businesspersons who will take initiatives to transition to a Beyond “Zero-Carbon ” society.
The Co-learning basis serves as an essential component for local communities to realize the transition to a Beyond “Zero-Carbon ” society. Through Co-learning, Theme 2 will realize Co-JUNKAN, a sustainable system in which diverse people work autonomously for their regional transformation.
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